In the resplendence of William the Conqueror's London court, the lovely Saxon captive, Nicholaa was forced to choose a husband from the assembled Norman nobles. She chose Royce, a baron warrior whose fierce demeanor could not conceal his chivalrous and tender heart. Resourceful, rebellious and utterly naive, Nicholaa vowed to bend Royce to her will, despite the whirlwind of feelings he aroused in her. Ferocious in battle, seasoned in passion, Royce was surprised by the depth of his emotion whenever he caressed his charming bride.
In a climate of utmost treachery, where Saxons still intrigued against their Norman invaders, Royce and Nicholaa revelled in their precious new love...a fervent bond soon to be disrupted by the call of blood, kin and country!
Ames: Let me ask you something, Chantal - how is it that you've never read Julie Garwood before and why did you decide to start reading her now?
Chantal: I'm not sure why I have not read her before. She was always on my to do list, as I have her books in my TBR. I just never picked them up, is all.
I finally decided to read one of them after I looked around to see who was most popular for that genre. Garwood is loved by many of the bloggers I like and trust, so thats why I decided to go ahead and read one by her :-)
Ames: Good stuff! Garwood's For the Roses was my introduction to the romance genre way back in 8th grade. LOL So her historicals will always have a place on my bookshelf. :P
Now Royce and Nicholaa. Aren't they just awesome? I really like Nicholaa. First of all, she defended her keep by her self and then she knocks Royce off his horse. hehe I also like how the whole time Royce is taking her to London, she keeps fighting him. She doesn't just let him walk all over her. And there's one funny part in particular, when they finally get to London, when she tries to trip Royce. I really liked how she never gave up.
Chantal: Oh yes, I know! And when he is giving her one of his lectures, and she is thinking about what needs to be done around the keep. LOL. I love it. I could picture it so well in my mind. I could see her sitting there cleaning her nails while Royce walks back and forth with his hands behind his back saying "blah blah blah...." Mind you, she was not cleaning her nails in teh story. Thats was just the spin I put on it in my mind :)
Royce is so romantic. Making her a new black queen for the chess board was so sweet of him.
For me, the best thing about Royce was how patient he was when it came to them consummating the marriage. He didn't pressure her into having sex right away. He waited till he was sure she was ready.
Ames: But oh man, when he tells her "Your hands will be healed in two days." I was like, oh yeah baby, light my fire!! LOL
I love when Nicholaa daydreams when she's getting lectured. Nicholaa and Royce just fit so well. I like how Royce doesn't enjoy the fact that Nicholaa is listening to him. haha And he's too sweet for making another chess piece.
Chantal: Nicholaa sure is a hand full. Royce needs someone like her to keep him on his toes though.
My favourite parts is when that guy threw the original chess piece into the fire and when Royce saw his wife's face, he threw whatshisname right threw the wall! Nicholaa's reactions was awesome...
"We have a lovely breeze now, husband. Thank you."How can you not love a man who would throw someone through a wall for you :)
He nodded, passed her, then suddenly stopped. He turned around. "What did you just say?"
"I thanked you for the window."
Ames: I know!! And remember when Nicholaa was shot with the arrow? Aawww - just his reaction to that too. I love protective guys like Royce.
So, are you going to read another classic Julie Garwood and which one is it going to be? LOL
Chantal: I sure am! This one was awesome. An A.
Which book should I read? They are all supposed to be really good, right?
Ames: Ok Breezing Through readers - leave a comment and tell us which Julie Garwood Chantal should read next and why. For myself, I can't decide because I love most of them. *sigh* Decisions, decisions. LOL