Chantal: And Nath asked me to join, so I am too :-P
Ames: Well I wanted you to do this post too Chantal. LOL
Chantal: LOL ;)
Nath: LOL, ladies, let's just get to the books :P I don't know, but I seem to be looking forward to too many books :P So here goes...

Nath: Can't wait for this one and it's coming out soon!!! :) I've just wolfed (LOL) down the Mercy Thompson series and I need more of that world. It's really interesting and I like that Ms Briggs is going to explore the storyline of different characters, especially Charles. So mysterious... It's going to be interesting to see what happens in this book, especially to Anne.
Ames: I'm super excited for this one! And it's coming out this month! Woot. LOL
Chantal: I love a wolf plot, thats for sure. I've finally started the Mercy series :) (ames says YAY to this news)
Lyon by Elizabeth Amber
Chantal: This will be the third book in the erotic series about the brothers who each have 2 penises. I've not even read the second book, although I do have it. I plan to read Lyon. The first book was flawed on many levels. My review was full of complaints, but come on, I'm not the only one who sometimes likes to read the weird stuff, no matter how bad it is. lol
Ames: Ok ok, I have the second one too (still unread), but I don't know if I'm looking forward to Lyon. LOL

Delicious by Sherry Thomas
Ames: I really enjoyed Private Arrangements and Delicious just sounds hot. Can't wait for this sophomore effort from Ms. Thomas.

Nath: Seriously, who among Dark-Hunter series readers isn't waiting for this book? Although I haven't really read the last few books of the series, I'm still intrigued and looking forward to Ash's book. I think this is quite a gutsy move on Ms Kenyon's part, not to wait till the end of the series for the big main character to have his book. I hope with this one, Ms Kenyon will answer some questions and end some of her storylines... especially the conflict between Ash and Nick. Either way, it'll definitively be interesting to see what direction the series takes after this book as well.
Ames: Like you Nath, I haven't read the latest books Ms. Kenyon has put out. I think I'm 5 or 6 books behind. But Ash is the one character that draws me back to this series, so for sure I'm going to check this out. I don't know if I'm going to buy it, but I have it reserved at my library. LOL
Chantal: Oh, Oh, Oh, me too! This is odd for me, but the Dark Hunter series is the only one where I can read the books all mixed up. Every other time I have to read in perfect order. Not with the Dark Hunters though. Ash is an uber yummy character. I can't wait to read his story.
If there be Dragons by Kay Hooper
Nath: What can I say? I'm a fan of Ms Hooper and this is a re-print of one of her earlier works.

Cutting Loose by Susan Andersen
Nath: I've always enjoyed Ms Andersen's books. Of course, some more than others... but to me, Ms Andersen is a sure winner :) The storyline sounds good as well, so that's a plus. Also, this will give me my much needed contemporary fix :) I just hope there are no stalker in the plot! LOL :)
Ames: I enjoy Susan Andersen too, so for sure I'm looking forward to this one. :P
Sweet Spot by Susan Mallery
Nath:I didn't enjoy the first in the series, Sweet Talk, however I'm still looking forward for this book... all because of the hero!! :) What can I say? I can be such a glutton for punishment sometimes LOL :)
Ames: I read one of Susan's books last summer and I've been buying them like crazy, but not reading them. So I don't know if I'm going to pick this one up - I guess I'll wait for what others think.
Chantal: Not I. I have been disappointed the last several Susan Mallery books I have read. :(

Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins
Nath: I've discovered Ms Higgins books not too long ago and enjoyed them ;) This one has also a favorite plotline of mine: the tomboy turning into a woman to catch her long-time crush :) I just home it'll be more romance-y and less chick-lit-y.
Grace Valley trilogy by Robyn Carr
Nath: Ms Carr was a revelation to me last year. After reading Virgin River, I had to have more of her books and was lucky enough to find book 1 (Deep in the Valley) and 2 (Just Over the Mountain) of her Grace Valley trilogy. However, book 3 (Down by the River) has always eluded me. Lucky for me, with the recent success of VR, the Grace Valley trilogy is being re-print and released all at the same time :) Youppi!!! Of course, I'll be buying the whole trilogy, since they have new covers ;)
Chantal: Well gee, I had no idea that there were Grace Valley books. Right on. I'll look for them for sure.
Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer
Ames: I've been on a real GH kick lately and Jennie reviewed this last year and I've been anxious to read it ever since.

Nath: Seriously, who has read the Psy/Changelings series and is not anxiously waiting for Dorian's story?!? Surely not me. Ms Singh has been a constant winner for me with this series, so I'm definitively looking forward to this one :)
Chantal: Yes! And after Dorian I want Hawk's story. The thing I love about her heroes (Except Judd because he sucked) is how much I can see myself being with them in real life-if the world the author created was real of course. It's real enough in my dreams, hubba hubba!
Ames: Yeah, I haven't caught up on the series, but I know I'm still going to buy this book.
Just Breathe by Susan Wiggs
Nath: I've enjoyed Ms Wiggs books and so, waiting for this one.

Nath: The sequel to The Lost Duke of Wyndham which I really enjoyed. I thought with this one, Ms Quinn was back in the game... and I'm really looking forward for Mr. Cavendish, I presume. Seriously, we've seen so many books where a man gets a titled unexpectedly... but how many books have we read where the hero - the good guy - loses his title?
Chantal: Cavendish... as in the brand of fries? Seriously, I love Julia Quinn. She is an auto buy for me, so I will be reading this book. She is one of the few authors who's books I buy and read without even flipping it over to see what the story is about.
Ames: Again, I bought the LDoW but haven't read it - that still isn't going to stop me from buying this one either. It's funny how an author is an auto-buy even if I haven't read lots by them. Am I the only one that does this?

Mercury's War by Lora Leigh
Ames: *sigh* I cannot ever get enough of Ms. Leigh's writing. I don't need to explain why I want this book. After reading Dawn's Awakening, it's a must.
Chantal: This is also on my list. Even though a lot of these books are just the same story over and over again, I'm addicted to Lora Leigh sex.
So here is our list :) What about yours? Any new releases that we missed?
You guys sure hit on most of the books I'm looking forward to. I also can't wait for the 3rd Tairen Soul book KING OF SWORD & SKY by CL Wilson in September. I'm soooo ready for Nalini Singh's book.
Oh and like Nath said...who ISN'T waiting for ARCHERON?
Rosie - I can't wait for the Nalini Singh :) and LOL, you know, for Acheron... I'm going to pre-order it, but seriously, not sure when I'm going to be reading it LOL :)
The cover for the new Nalini Singh book is horrible. It's a good thing I already know and love her books, because I would walk right past that cover.
Hmmm, some books that look interesting. And Ames, you aren't the only one who can read a few books by an author and then buy up all the rest. I do it all the time!
"(Except Judd because he sucked)"
He's the one I love, love, love!!! But I like those cold guys who get his up side the head with love ;)
Cindy, you are not the first one that has fainted because of that. LOL
Cindy-good to know I'm not alone. LOL
I haven't read Judd's book yet.
Seneca - I don't know, but most NS covers have been meh, which is unfortunate... but then, I can't think of a way to to make it better and still fit the series...
Cindy - I do it too! I buy books without having read the author... for example the Dresden files.
I like Judd too! CBI is my second fav. books in the series!
Ames - Go read it! LOL :)
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